Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Memories on Display

"I want you to know, the majority of those boxes are yours." My husband pointed to the left side of the garage. We had been married 3 weeks and were settling into our new home.

"I know! I am so proud of myself for condensing 10 into 4!" I smiled, I was proud. Those boxes were filled with memories from my childhood, memories that I couldn't bring myself to part with.

My husband laughed.....a laugh that was more sarcastic than anything. For a split second I almost pitied him...he went from being a bachelor with a house to himself, to now having a garage filled with his wife's boxes, sleeping under a chandelier, having a room in his house that was entirely pink and a dog named Cupcake.

Adjustment is just part of marriage, but it is so worth it.

One of the boxes held letters and cards, probably have over 200 that had been given to me over the years. I just couldn't let the words of loved ones make their way to the trash, they meant too much. Time may pass, but written notes can hold memories forever.

Enjoying the cards and notes given to me by my husband, clients, friends and family is important, SO......I decided to make a decorative board for my office. A piece that would allow me to display the current cards until new ones come. *wishful thinking*

I made my way over to J&K Furniture on Bell Rd. I wanted a ornate frame for the board that had a lot of character to make into a display for my office.

In a dusty corner of the store I found an old mirror with an amazing frame. I bought it for $26 took it home and sprayed it black. After a trip to Hobby Lobby and a few other stores, I had the materials to make my board complete.

The men at Home Depot were nice enough to cut a board down to perfect size. I covered it with blanket stuffing and pink felt.
A perfect shade of pink silk fabric was adhered next. It fit my office decor to a "T".
{My little munchkin Cupcake posed for this one} Ornate black trim to create space for the "love" notes to stay firmly on.
Vintage buttons added for a little sparkly detail.
My husband hung it and I filled it with love, baby announcements, wedding invitations of clients, and just notes to say hello. From a blank wall to a wall that reminds me of how blessed life is. It's now the most priceless item in the room.


Courtney Sargent said...

Lovely! You've inspired me to make one. The box in my closet just isn't going to cut it for all of the kind notes I've received over the years. Now if I could just find some time to be crafty! Great blog post Ashley :)

Allison Bess said...

So cute!! Love the puppy :)