Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Keep Calm, Touché

It sits on my desk. The pretty little notebook my husband gave me during a week when I needed a little encouragement. A week God answered my prayer for good steady events with a laugh and landed more than just *steady* in my lap...try 4 events! A blessing? Yes. Grateful? Absolutely.

A little background for those of you just getting to know me, I have a dog and her name is Cupcake. I named her after one of my favorite things!! I LOVE cupcakes, not eating them, just seeing them. They are pretty, petite, come in any color you can imagine, equipt with sparkles or sprinkles and can make just about anyone smile.

So when Diana Elizabeth took a picture of my husband's gift last week little did she know how much it was going to mean to me.

I adore the Keep Calm gallery and company and all of their fun products. And after a little research found out a bit of their history.

"Upon the outbreak of World War Two the British Government's Ministry of Information commissioned posters to be distributed throughout the country as a means of allaying public fear. Three different posters were produced and while the first two designs were widely distributed the third poster, simply bearing the words 'Keep Calm and Carry On' along with the royal crown, was held in reserve intended for use only in times of extreme crisis.

"Although hundreds of thousands of these posters were produced, only a handful ever saw the light of day. Even now 'Keep Calm and Carry On' is a phrase which perfectly encapsulates the traditional British 'stiff upper lip'."

I found a couple other Keep Calm designs online and wanted to share.....starting with a few of my favorites....


diana elizabeth said...

You and I have WAY too much in common. I have the print in my office (you know this) it's the background on my wallpaper and Blackberry.

Oh, and I love how your husband loves you. Adorable.

Anonymous said...

I love the labs one :) perfect for me... needed that about 2 years ago!

Brenda Eden said...

I've seen these Keep Calm and Carry On but I had no idea of the story behind them. That is very interesting! I need the cupcake one too!